David Rowe
Copper Collage

intro | selected works | exhibitions | biography | press | contact

David Rowe chooses to call his unique technique copper collage. It involves cutting out small sized copper sheets, which are delicately engraved, eroded by acids and oven-baked. They are assembled like collage to form intriguing, precious surfaces, carrying implications of ritualistic imagery from ancient, exotic civilisations.

| solo exhibitions |

1965 | Galerie Contemporaine | Genève
1966 | Galerie Zodiaque | Genève
1967 | Galerie Betegh | Caracas
1968 | Galerie Picpus | Montreux
1968 | Galerie de la Cathédrale | Fribourg
1968 | Pace Gallery | London
1969 | Galerie Suzanne Bollag | Zürich
1969 | Galerie Contemporaine | Genève
1970 | Compendium 2 | London
1970 | Arlene Lind Gallery | San Francisco
1970 | Alwin Gallery | London
1970 | Carrefour des Arts | Sion
1971 | Galerie Contemporaine | Genève
1972 | Galerie du Circle | Lausanne
1973 | Vécu | Anvers
1973 | Galerie Laudann | Lausanne
1973 | Galerie Contemporaine | Genève
1974 | European Gallery | San Francisco
1975 | Galerie Suzanne Bollag | Zürich
1975 | Friedrich Grohman | Munich
1975 | Galerie Schindler | Berne

1976 | Galerie CH | Rolle
1977 | Atelier Cora Hermance | Genève
1979 | Galerie de la Cathédrale | Fribourg
1979 | Atelier Cora Hermance | Genève
1979 | Galerie Suzanne Bollag | Zürich
1980 | Galerie de May | Lausanne
1980 | Le Simourgh | La Franqui
1981 | L’Etrier | Crans-Montana
1981 | Le Simourgh | La Franqui
1982 | Meridien | Paris
1982 | Galerie Racine | Paris
1984 | L’Etrier | Crans-Montana
1984 | Microcos | Nyon
1984 | Frantel | Grande Motte
1984 | Le Simourgh | La Franqui
1985 | Antonio Pavia | Cannes
1995 | Noga Hilton Gallery | Genève

| group exhibitions |

1966 | Hart Preston | New York
1967 | Tecklenberger Gespräche | Tecklenberg
1967 | Contrastes VII, Galerie Suzanne Bollag | Zürich
1967 | Printemps Carougeois, Jeunes Artistes Genevois | Genève
1968 | Galerie Riehntour | Bâle
1969 | Il Claustro | Lugano
1969 | Felix Handschin | Bâle
1969 | Miniatures du 20ème Siécle | Nice
1970 | Internationale Kunst Jetzt, Kunsthaus | Glaris
1970 | Zella 9 | London
1970 | Panorama de la Pienture Romande | Yverdon
1970 | Vereinigung Zürcher Kunstfreunde, Kunsthaus | Zürich
1971 | Lister Gallery | Jamaica
1971 | Window Gallery | Chicago
1972 | Art 3/72 (S.Bollag) | Bâle
1973 | Art 4/73 (S.Bollag & Gallerie Contemporaine) | Bâle
1974 | Art 5/74 (S.Bollag & Gallerie Contemporaine) | Bâle
1975 | Hilton Gallery | Barbados
1976 | Allrich Gallery | San Francisco
1976 | Art 7/76 (S.Bollag) | Bâle
1978 | Galerie Bernard Létu | Genève
1979 | Corporate Art Directions | New-York
1979 | Laverne | New-York
1980 | Art 11/80 (S.Bollag) | Bâle
1980 | Bell Gallery Greenwich | Connecticut
1981 | Art 12/81 (S.Bollag) | Bâle
1983 | Liebensbilder Liebensplastiken 25 Jare S. Bollag | Zürich
1985 | Expo Cannes | Cannes
1985 | Gallery Fredéric Gollong | St. Paul de Vence
1985 | Garden Gallery | Nice
1985 | Centre International d’Art Contemporain | Paris
2007 | Galerie Picpus | Montreux

| biography |

I am indebted to my parents for instilling passionate interest in art and science. From an early age I was intrigued by chemistry, having been inspired by my father to make spectacular fireworks that were otherwise in short supply after WW2. During my school years I specialized in science subjects and treated art rather as a recreational pursuit. My mother had a notable artistic talent and enjoyed teaching me the essential techniques of figurative watercolour and line drawing.

At the College of S. Mark & S. John, Chelsea, I trained as a Mathematics and Physics teacher. I move to Spain, having secured a post of Head of Science at the American School in Madrid. In 1962, while spending a long vacation in Ibiza, I resumed a practical interest in art and set out to discover an original art-form in the realm of mixed media. Initial experiments involved the unlikely combination of Indian ink and Evostic rubber glue! One year later and purely by chance during a 7th Grade science lesson at the International School of Geneva, I made a discovery involving the chemistry of copper. I devised a series of-self taught procedures for etching and colouring thin sheets of copper; then incorporated them in assemblages that I collage Copper Collage.

My first one-man-show of Copper Collage was staged in 1963 at the Galerie Contemporaine, Geneva. The show sold out and my art work was subsequently exhibited in seven different countries. - David Rowe

| press |

Le Courrier - Journal de Genève 1965 pdf
Journal de Genève 1965 pdf
Le Courrier 1965 pdf
La Tribunne de Genève 1966 pdf
Journal de Genève 1966 pdf
Journal de Montreux 1968 pdf
La Sentinelle 1968 pdf
Weekly Tribunne 1968 pdf
La Liberté 1968 pdf
Feuille D'avis de Lausanne 1969 pdf
Journal de Genève 1971 pdf
Artweek 1975 pdf
Le Courrier 1977 pdf
Cooperation 1978 pdf

| contact |

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